Hello all cat and dog lovers wanting to give a ‘better quality of life’ by offering relief to certain ailments with a simple home remedy solution. My little indoor dog has a constant scratching itch on his lower back. It drives us insane through the night so I couldn't imagine what it would be like for him 24/7! I had already tried many ‘vet’-suggested products and treatments to no avail and a lot of cost. It left me scouring books and the internet after trying at home remedy after remedy, I discovered the following GREAT TIPS to help your pets and give the desired relief and freedom from these problems. It is ALWAYS advised to check with your vet (there are some really good veterinarians around if you look hard enough) before changing medications or trying a new recommended remedy. However, be warned, some vets are not always good ones and are not trustworthy in these matters as they WANT you to HAVE to bring your pet in to be checked and PAY THEM (VETERINARIANS) MORE MONEY. They can be sneaky so you need to be sneaky in return. In some cases you can GAIN FREE ADVICE FROM YOUR LOCAL VET by calling them and give a detailed description of the problem followed by the simple question: "What do you recommend I do in the meantime and would it be necessary to bring my pet in to see you?" Don't forget you are 'fishing for info' and NOT intending on making an appointment unless the medical issue is a life-threatening one EG: hit by car, severe blood loss etc. I hope you can find a useful solution to your pet's problem below.
These remedies are NOT all suitable for cat’s, use common sense to decide whether to use these with your cat.

 Home Remedy To Treat Yeast Infections

Plain yogurt is a healthy treat for your dog as is for cats. The live acidophilus in the yogurt keeps the bad bacteria in the intestines down to a manageable level. If your dog is on antibiotics, a little yogurt will help keep yeast infections at bay. You can also give your dog acidophilus pills — wrapping the pills in on is strictly optional.
Puppies are especially prone to yeast infections, so a little plain yogurt as a snack (or even dessert) can help keep things in balance.

Home Remedy To Relieve Skin Irritations

Chamomile tea is a great natural aide. This tea uses the natural disinfecting effects of the chamomile plant to settle upset doggy tummies. It can also alleviate minor skin irritations once it is chilled in the fridge and sprayed onto the affected area on the dog’s raw skin. The dog should feel an immediate soothing effect as the chilled tea kills the yeast and/or bacteria on the skin.

Home Remedy To Relieve Constant Scratching

An itchy dog can be quite an annoyance, especially as it goes around scratching itself on any piece of furniture it can reach. Forget the backscratcher. Buy some finely ground oatmeal (as in baby oatmeal cereal) and stir it into a bath of warm water. Your dog will thank you, trust us. Dogs with skin allergies, infections and other diseases which cause itchiness have been shown to gain immediate relief with this approach, too.

Home Remedy For Wounds And Swelling

Dogs can be like kids at times, and as such they are bound to suffer from wounds and swellings occasionally. Try treating these ailments with Epsom salt soaks and hot packs next time. A bath consisting of Epsom salt and hot water can help reduce the healing time and the swelling, especially when combined with prescribed antibiotics (and under veterinary supervision).
If soaking the dog in the Epsom salt (twice a day for five minutes) isn’t convenient for your schedule or the location of the dog’s wound, a clean towel drenched in the same solution can be applied to wounds with an almost identical effect.

Home Remedy For Fleas

Does your dog have fleas? Never fear, try some borax powder. The usual standard stuff at the store will work wonders on the fleas by poking holes in their disgusting crunchy insect exoskeletons.
A great way to make sure those horrid parasitic suckers get annihilated is to sprinkle the borax on your floor then sweep or vacuum up the excess. Those invisible borax crystals left behind will kill the fleas and you won’t even have to lift a finger. It’s inexpensive and practically non-toxic compared to a very costly appointment with an exterminator.
NOTE: Another Flea treatment will be posted soon so as to offer an alternative flea remedy for you and your pet.